Racing To The Max


“Until you have seen a racehorse trainer cry when their horse breaks down or have a knock-out, drag-out fights with owners who want to ‘dump’ their horses; until you have seen them spend hours going over legs, feeds, equipment changes and every inch of their horses body; until you have seen them smile when they say goodbye to a horse going to a home with a young girl or the joy they get from walking into the winner’s circle with a homebred – do not judge my industry.”

This comes from Racehorses Australia (Stable Secrets) and is worthy of wide circulation particularly in the general public which is losing touch with the magnificence of the thoroughbred and those that make them.

Problem gambling has become an issue. Free to air advertising is getting a plague reputation. Racing did well without it and, should it be curtailed, the industry would take a hit.

Booze isn’t barred because of alcoholics. I don’t want the youth led astray. I was betting before serious drinking and don’t regret either.

Perceived cruelty is another problem. One mistreated thoroughbred, cart puller or pony is too many. But balance is required when considering how many racehorses in so many different circumstances are involved.

Racehorses are the most pampered athletes and now, in the main, are getting a smooth transition in retirement.

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